Ezra Miller Basically Dressed As Hedwig For The Crimes Of Grindelwald Premiere, And It Was Magical


Ezra Miller Basically Dressed As Hedwig For The Crimes Of Grindelwald Premiere, And It Was Magical

J.K Rowling's Wizarding World gets bigger every year, as the acclaimed writer continues to work on new projects set within Harry Potter's magical universe. The Fantastic Beasts franchise is arguably the biggest undertaking, as a planned five film franchise will serve as a prequel to the world we know and love, and flesh out iconic characters like Dumbledore.

One character who has been teased to have a major impact on the Wizarding World is Ezra Miller's Credence Barebone. Miller's role in the new sequel The Crimes of Grindelwald has been largely a mystery, but that doesn't mean the actor is fading into the background. In fact, he appeared at the movie's premiere dressed up like Harry's owl Hedwig. Check it out.

And that's how you steal the show on a red carpet (or blue carpet, as the case may be). While Credence is arguably a supporting role in the Fantastic Beasts franchise thus far, Ezra Miller takes center stage in his Hedwig inspired outfit, showing what a hardcore fan of the franchise the actor likely is. After all, who isn't a Potterhead at this point?

With just one movie, J.K. Rowling made the Fantastic Beasts franchise just as exciting and highly anticipated as the main Harry Potter movies. And while that franchise had the original novels to bring in an audience, the prequel series had to do so with exciting storylines and new and dynamic characters. Ezra Miller's Credence Barebone was definitely just that, as he went from abused young boy to a powerful and dark magical force.

Credence made his debut in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them as the adopted son of a muggle named Mary Lou Barebone. Mary Lou hated the magical world, and physically abused Credence. This caused him to suppress his magical abilities and become an Obscurus while being manipulated by Grindelwald in disguise. His abilities helped him survive being destroyed, but Credence's alliance in the magical war to come is unclear.

Credence was only briefly shown in the first few Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald trailers. He somehow has gotten himself involved in a magical freak show, Circus Arcanus. This will help bring Nagini to the story, who will eventually become Voldemort's murdering snake and horocrux. Ezra Miller's character is now supposed to have full control over his Obscurus, which should translate to some serious magical abilities.

Ezra Miller's appearance at the Crimes of Grindelwald premiere should be no great surprise, as the 26-year-old actor has always had a colorful personality that he wasn't afraid to hold back. And since he's been given more notoriety and fame with his role as DC's Flash and Fantastic Beasts, more fans are looking toward Miller's perspective on life. This includes his fashion choices.

You can catch Credence Barebone when Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald arrives in theaters on November 16th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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