6 Ways The MCU Could Bring Back The Red Skull

6 Ways The MCU Could Bring Back The Red Skull

It seems as though Marvel has a plan for Red Skull, and while no one seems to know what that is, the fact that Hugo Weaving was asked to return as the character has many people speculating. Should Marvel be planning on bringing Red Skull back via the MCU, here are some of the ways it could do it, as well as some of the reasons why his re-inclusion would be beneficial to the brand.

As A Free Man Who Can Do What He WantsShould Red Skull return to the MCU, it's already confirmed he'll no longer be bound to the will of the Soul Stone. The Russo's confirmed that once Thanos obtained the Stone, Red Skull was free to leave Vormir and do whatever he wants, free from its influence. This includes pursuing an Infinity Stone if he should so choose, provided he's willing to roll the dice again on a potential banishment.

Of course, we're talking about an exiled super-Nazi who's been enslaved by sentient Stones for several decades, so it's not like his options are completely open to doing a ton outside the world of villainy. The Russos' specific mention that Red Skull could pursue an Infinity Stone seem to strongly hint that he will, likely to fulfill his long-held dream of world domination. Who knows though, he might shock everyone and chill on a remote island until this all blows over.

As A Villain With Powers From The Soul StoneRed Skull's appearance in Avengers: Infinity War was quite a shock, especially considering he seemed far removed from the man he was in Captain America. While he's no longer cursed to stay on Vormir, it's possible some of the powers granted to him remained post-freedom. The details of what those powers may be are a bit foggy, but he was able to know Gamora and Thanos before they introduced themselves.

Red Skull also gained some humility from his 70 years as a prisoner of the Soul Stone, and while that's technically not a power, it's something he desperately needed. A self-aware Red Skull with a checked ego may help him better achieve his goals for world domination and make fewer mistakes the next time a hero tries to stop him. That's a dangerous thought considering the impact his return may have on the world, especially now of all times.

As Pre-Serum Johann SchmidtJust because Hugo Weaving wasn't down for a return as Red Skull in Avengers: Infinity War doesn't mean he doesn't stand a chance of returning in Avengers 4. With time travel rumored to be an element in the film, all it would take is a scene around World War II or prior to incorporate Johann Schmidt in some way.

That's a big if, of course, as Ross Marquand stepping in to portray the villain could mean that Hugo Weaving is done with that character. That's not so problematic for present-day and future storylines involving Red Skull, but would almost certainly mean he won't be appearing with his original face, a.k.a. the face he shares with Weaving. We'll just have to wait and see what happens and whether Avengers 4 would even need to feature Weaving's Red Skull persona.

As An Asset To The AvengersRed Skull may be a key asset to the Avengers in Avengers 4. His time as a servant to the Soul Stone could've given him some valuable information regarding how that and the other Infinity Stones work, as well as secrets behind how they can be utilized to reverse what happened in Avengers: Infinity War. Red Skull could offer up the information at a price, or perhaps be "persuaded" by a hero not willing to negotiate with a Nazi.

He might even offer up information without a struggle, as those decades spent as a wraith really appeared to mellow him out. Of course, we're not expecting him to flip sides and be a reformed good guy, but perhaps Red Skull may understand that in helping the Avengers, he's furthering his own personal interests and keeping them off his back. Meanwhile, he can work on his comeback uninterrupted and be back more powerful than ever before anyone can stop him.

As The Villain That Is Keeping Chris Evans From RetiringAfter what feels like a solid year of mourning his inevitable retirement, MCU fans were blindsided by the recent news that Chris Evans might not be done with the role after all. That's great news, especially with the revelation that his greatest foe is free from his obligations to the Soul Stone and able to do as he pleases.

That and the fact that Red Skull's age was frozen in his prime feels like Marvel is setting the stage for he and Cap to clash again. Whether that goes down in Avengers 4 or another new Captain America film is another story and what expert Marvel theorists are trying to figure out. Red Skull coming back to the MCU in a meaningful way is a delightful treat, but in another movie to square off with Cap? That's the dream.

As A Villain For Bucky And SamRemember that Winter Soldier and Falcon limited series headed to Disney+? In the case that Captain America does die and Red Skull is on the loose, it kind of makes sense the burden of capturing him would fall on these two. Red Skull's return to Earth might just pave the way for whatever premise this project has in store and give these two heroes a thrilling adventure to tackle on streaming.

Anything's possible, and it might be why Disney tapped Ross Marquand to replace Hugo Weaving as opposed to just letting the character fade into obscurity. Obviously there's a plan for Red Skull, so even if his presumed presence in Avengers 4 is fast and fleeting and Chris Evans does end up retiring as Captain America, keep in mind this is always an avenue in which the villain could return for a longer adventure.

MCU fans eager to share ways they think Red Skull could be reintroduced into the franchise need do nothing more than share their thoughts in the comments below. Meanwhile, we at CinemaBlend are still waiting for the big Avengers 4 trailer release. For more on that, get some analysis on the wait and when it could arrive from Managing Director Sean O'Connell.

Should Marvel be planning on bringing Red Skull back via the MCU, here are some of the ways it could do it, as well as some of the reasons why his re-inclusion would be beneficial to the brand. As
6 Ways The MCU Could Bring Back The Red Skull - 247

Red Skull in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation portrayed by Scott Paulin. Weaving's "Red Skull" mask in the film was a latex mask conceived by prosthetic makeup designer David White. The visual effects team had to manipulate his face considerably, as the mask was bulky
Red Skull In Captain America 3? Here's What Hugo Weaving Says

MCU fans eager to share ways they think Red Skull could be reintroduced into the franchise need do nothing more than share their thoughts in the comments below. Meanwhile, we at CinemaBlend are still waiting for the big Avengers 4 trailer release.
6 Ways The MCU Could Bring Back The Red Skull - Celebrity Jar

I can't see how Red Skull wouldn't return. He's the Joker to Cap's Batman, if you get my drift. To phase him out in one film would be a HUGE mistake IMO. There a ton of ways that he could be written back into the MCU.

MCU fans eager to share ways they think Red Skull could be reintroduced into the franchise need do nothing more than share their thoughts in the comments below. Meanwhile, we at CinemaBlend are still waiting for the big Avengers 4 trailer release.
Is Samuel L. Jackson Teasing Red Skull's Return in the MCU?

Right as he is about to say "The Skull," he pauses for a few moments. It could be to try to recall whether or not he is allowed to say this, or doing his best to correctly remember the character's name. The Skull is not a Marvel character, so the next conclusion is that he means Red Skull, previously played by Hugo Weaving.
Will the Red Skull ever return to the MCU? : marvelstudios

I think red skull is building a hydra armie in another place so that hydar team from the other world can attck the earth in one strike. I don't think Red skull is not dead because he is the Hydra boss and the enemie's head boss is unlikely to die in space.

Did SAMUEL L. JACKSON Just Tease RED SKULL's MCU Return? There's also a way to bring him back already in place, it is possible Red Skull and Hydra could be returning to Marvel's movies.
Red Skull | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | FANDOM powered

6 Ways The MCU Could Bring Back The Red Skull Movies November 30, 2018 No Comments It seems as though Marvel has a plan for Red Skull, and while no one seems to know what that is, the fact that Hugo Weaving was asked to return as the character has many people speculating.
6 Ways The MCU Could Bring Back The Red Skull - CelebeRazzi

The Red Skull is one of those Marvel villains you just keep expecting to show up again. Only two parties can make this sort of wish fulfillment happen: The Russos or Hugo Weaving, and his thoughts
Will the Red Skull return? | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

6 Ways The MCU Could Bring Back The Red Skull

One Great Thing About Giving Hobbs And Shaw A Spinoff, According To Jason Statham

One Great Thing About Giving Hobbs And Shaw A Spinoff, According To Jason Statham

The Fast and Furious franchise has gained so many characters over the years that the "family" has become quite large. However, the upcoming spinoff Hobbs & Shaw is set to focus on just two of the more popular member of the team. Shaw himself, Jason Statham, says that what makes the upcoming film so great, is that it gives the characters played by himself and the Rock more time, which means they can better develop their solid chemistry.

We have a good oil-and-water vibe going, we're (as different as) chalk and cheese and we've only really touched on what we can really get into with these two. We have a lot more room now.

Even before it was officially announced that Jason Statham and Dwayne Johnson were getting their own spinoff film, many were remarking about the great chemistry that Hobbs and Shaw had in The Fate of the Furious, the two characters pretty much hated each other but that antagonism worked so well that you wanted to see more of it. It sounds like Statham's comments to USA Today mean that he does too.

Hobbs and Shaw will hit theaters next year, which was when the next installment of the main Fast and Furious franchise was originally going to be released. It seems, that Fast and Furious 9 was going to see a delay anyway, which resulted in producers slotting in the spinoff in order to keep the franchise moving. At least two more main installments are planned in the main franchise and it seems that the plan is to wrap up after number 10, though certainly plans could change between now and then.

It's certainly true that, with the cast of the Fast and Furious as big as it is, and the fact that Vin Diesel is clearly the star, a lot of the rest of the cast doesn't get the opportunity to really show what they can do, even though they're all fairly entertaining in their own right. This spinoff will help correct that for a couple of great characters. If it works, one wonders if others might follow to give the rest of the team the spotlight. It would certainly help the franchise continue and I'm guessing the studio wouldn't have any issues with that.

It doesn't hurt that in addition to working well together on screen, Jason Statham and Dwayne Johnson are two of the biggest action stars in Hollywood. The pair will certainly be able to show off some potentially impressive action, whether or not it involves large numbers of automobiles.

Hobbs and Shaw is set to begin filming next month ahead of a July 2019 release.

The Fast and the Furious fans are one step closer to spin-off film Hobbs and Shaw starring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham's characters.According to Johnson's' Instagram, the movie has wrapped filming in London and they're ready to take production to the next location: Hawaii!We're making a great one.
Hobbs and Shaw | Sunday Observer

Fast & Furious Spinoff 'Hobbs & Shaw': New First Look at The Rock and Jason Statham Revealed The last film in the franchise proved one important thing: Johnson and Statham have chemistry
New 'Hobbs & Shaw' trailer released - Silver Screen Beat

Universal Pictures has released a new trailer for Hobbs & Shaw, the upcoming Fast & Furious spinoff which finds Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham having to team-up to take down a villainous Idris Elba before he wipes out humanity as we know it.
'Hobbs & Shaw' Wraps Filming In London - YouTube

Enter Hobbs & Shaw, the long-awaited spinoff starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Jason Statham as the two titular characters, Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw.Johnson came into the Fast & Furious franchise in the fifth movie, injecting the series with new life and a fresh new character.
'Hobbs & Shaw' Wraps Filming In London - video dailymotion

The upcoming Fast and Furious spin-off Hobbs and Shaw will "evolve the world" of the franchise, according to its director. In an interview with Fandango, David Leitch talked about his approach to
Hobbs & Shaw: 25 Things We Know About The Fast & Furious Spinoff

The first trailer for the first Fast & Furious spin-off has debuted, and it's just as over-the-top as you'd expect. Hobbs & Shaw focuses on Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham's characters from the main series, and sees them team up to defeat a (literally bullet-proof) Idris Elba.The idea of giving Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw their own film came about thanks to some on-set
Hobbs & Shaw: Fast & Furious fans get first glimpse of spin-off
The first trailer for the first Fast & Furious spin-off has debuted, and it's just as over-the-top as you'd expect. Hobbs & Shaw focuses on Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham's characters from the main series, and sees them team up to defeat a (literally bullet-proof) Idris Elba.

One Great Thing About Giving Hobbs And Shaw A Spinoff

The official title for Hobbs and Shaw is now Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw.The long-awaited spin-off finally started filming this year and Dwayne Johnson along with Jason Statham have been
Fast and Furious spin-off: Hobbs and Shaw director promises

Subscribe To One Great Thing About Giving Hobbs And Shaw A Spinoff, According To Jason Statham Updates. I've already subscribed. One Great Thing About Giving Hobbs And Shaw A Spinoff
Fast & Furious Spinoff 'Hobbs & Shaw': New First Look at The

The Fast and the Furious fans are one step closer to spin-off film Hobbs and Shaw starring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham's characters. According to Johnson's' Instagram, the movie has
Hobbs & Shaw Gets an Official Fast & Furious Title, New

The Superpower Dogs Trailer, Narrated By Chris Evans, May Save Your Soul

The Superpower Dogs Trailer, Narrated By Chris Evans, May Save Your Soul

Captain America star Chris Evans narrated a movie about superhero dogs. The movie is called Superpower Dogs and it's opening in IMAX theaters starting March 15. The trailer is here, and it instantly cleared my skin, canceled my debt, and saved my soul. Embrace it as your new savior:

Those of you who follow Chris Evans on social media know his dog Dodger is the true star of his life. The combination of Evans as a real-life dog parent and his status as Marvel's Captain America must've made him the obvious choice to narrate this true story.

The actor retweeted IMAX's post on the trailer, saying he was honored to be part of this project:

Here's the official synopsis for Superpower Dogs:

Join an immersive IMAX adventure to experience the life-saving superpowers and extraordinary bravery of some of the worlds most amazing dogs. In this inspiring true story, our best friends are also real-life superheroes. Journey around the globe to meet remarkable dogs who save lives and discover the powerful bond they share with their human partners. Follow Halo, a rookie puppy training to join one of the most elite disaster response teams in America. Meet Henry, an avalanche rescue expert in the Canadian Rockies, Reef, a Newfoundland lifeguard with the Italian coastguard, Ricochet, a Californian surf legend helping people with special needs, and the Bloodhound brothers, Tipper & Tony, who are leading the fight to save endangered species in Africa. As we discover the incredible abilities of dogs and the astonishing science behind their superpowers, well never look at our best friends the same way again!

Wonderful. There are so many movies coming out this year with animals as lead characters, but these are real-life canine superheroes -- and it's great to see them get their day in the spotlight.

Chris Evans plays one of the most iconic superheroes of all time. There's a lot of speculation about Captain America's future after Avengers: Endgame. Steve Rogers was one of the lucky 50% to make it through Thanos' snap at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. However, there's conflicting information about whether this film will mark the end of Evans' run as Cap.

He appeared to say goodbye to the MCU after wrapping Avengers 4, but then the Russos made it seem like he wasn't quite done playing Captain America. Endgame seems to be in reshoots/additional photography right now, so maybe Evans will end up joining the returning actors.

Superpower Dogs opens in IMAX theaters March 15. Avengers: Endgame opens April 26. Keep an eye on everything coming to theaters this year in our handy 2019 movie schedule.

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Why Mark Hamill Doesn't Want A Role In Guardians Of The Galaxy Franchise

Why Mark Hamill Doesn't Want A Role In Guardians Of The Galaxy Franchise

Sometimes just one space franchise is enough. Mark Hamill is famous for his role as Luke Skywalker is the massively successful and popular Star Wars franchise, but recent news indicated that he might be interested in joining another cosmic series: Guardians of the Galaxy. It certainly helped that Hamill is next door neighbors with director James Gunn, and fans got even more excited when the two of them had dinner together. Alas, it sounds like Hamill is okay with just remaining a fan of the Guardians, and recently explained why he was okay with sitting this one out.

So, I like the movies, They're fine. But I'm happy to be in the audience, there's a lot less pressure. That's why I like Solo and Rogue One so much. There was 100% less Hamill, so I didn't have any sort of anxiety. I could just be in the audience, it was great.

Earlier this year, a fan reached out to James Gunn to request that Mark Hamill receive a role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Instead of just ignoring a tweet that he probably gets all the time, Gunn actually responded and revealed that he and Hamill live next door to each other and could talk it out over a cup of coffee. Then Mark Hamill sent Twitter into a tizzy when he responded to the conversation, calling himself an "unemployed actor." Gunn and Hamill then seemed to legitimately set up a time to meet, leaving fans excited that Mark Hamill might join the MCU.

As it turns out, the two of them did end up having dinner, but they didn't talk about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 at all. On the red carpet of the Saturn Awards, Collider asked Mark Hamill what the two of them discussed, and Hamill stated that Vol. 3 wasn't on the menu that night. However, it sounds like that's totally fine with Hamill, who would prefer to be a member of the audience. It's a lot more relaxing to just enjoy the movie, rather than bite your nails every time you come on screen.

Well, Hamill might not be in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 after all, but it's not like the guy is lacking in franchises. Luke Skywalker might have met his end in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but there's always the chance that he appears as a Force ghost in Episode IX. Obviously, that would be a big spoiler so no one has come out and said that but anything is possible!

Not too much is known about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 at this point, but stick with CinemaBlend and we'll keep you updated on the latest information as soon as it becomes available.

Mark Hamill Doesn't Want to Be in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Legendary Star Wars actor Mark Hamill has revealed that he does not want to be in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 . He went on to explain his reasoning, which may reveal that Hamill is done with franchise movies altogether.
Mark Hamill Doesn't Want to Be in Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Mark Hamill wants a role in 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3' after he is now an "unemployed actor". The 66-year-old actor is best known for starring as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in the hit sci-fi
Mark Hamill Might Be In 'Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3

We haven't heard anything about that in quite a long time, however, so it's possible that's no longer the plan. In fact, Pip doesn't appear to have a role in Avengers 3 and Avengers 4 at all, which makes sense. Unlike the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, the Phase 3-ending Avengers movies will likely have a more dramatic tenor. A cigar
Mark Hamill Wants To Be In Guardians Of Galaxy Vol. 3

Earlier this year, a fan reached out to James Gunn to request that Mark Hamill receive a role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Instead of just ignoring a tweet that he probably gets all the time, Gunn actually responded and revealed that he and Hamill live next door to each other and could talk it out over a cup of coffee.
Mark Hamill Doesn't Want to Be in Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Star Wars legend Mark Hamill recently reaped the positive benefits from the social media platform when a fan suggested to James Gunn that he be in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Gunn, an avid
Mark Hamill to Meet Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Director for Role

Why Mark Hamill Doesn't Want A Role In Guardians Of The

Despite the rumors, one cosmic franchise is enough for Mark Hamill. Subscribe To Why Mark Hamill Doesn't Want A Role In Guardians Of The Galaxy Franchise Updates close
Why Mark Hamill Doesn't Want A Role In Guardians Of The

Alas, it sounds like Hamill is okay with just remaining a fan of the Guardians, and recently explained why he was okay with sitting this one out. Earlier this year, a fan reached out to James Gunn to request that Mark Hamill receive a role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 .
Why Mark Hamill Doesn't Want A Role In Guardians Of The

Legendary Star Wars actor Mark Hamill has revealed that he does not want to be in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.He went on to explain his reasoning, which may reveal that Hamill is done with
Mark Hamill Doesn't Want to Be in Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is still a long time before it's released in 2020, so it seems that a Mark Hamill appearance isn't out of the question, especially if his schedule lines up.

Legendary Star Wars actor Mark Hamill has revealed that he does not want to be in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.He went on to explain his reasoning, which may reveal that Hamill is done with franchise movies altogether.
Guardians of the Galaxy Characters Mark Hamill Could Be